Amazon Testing New Feature on Product Pages

Amazon has been testing out new feature on their product listings. Now instead of showing products Brand name right under the product title, there is a prefix to each name. For example, lets call our brand ABC. If ABC brand has an Amazon store, the link will be displayed before the title and will say: Visit the ABC […]

A Recent Increase in Negative Amazon Reviews

Marketplace Pulse, an ecommerce intelligence firm which is collecting data about Amazon and their sellers, has revealed some information about Amazon shoppers behavior during COVID-19 quarantine. Over the past thirty days, Amazon buyers have left about a million negative reviews about sellers. This is more than two times over the usual amount. Buyers have been unhappy for the […]

Instagram and Ecommerce Data

Unless you have been living under the rock, you probably have heard of photo and video sharing app Instagram which was aquired by Facebook for $1 billion in 2012. And you probably don’t need me to tell you that Instagram is not just for sharing pictures of avocado toasts and beautiful ocean sunsets. Although both of those Are […]

From Googling to Buying

The average amount of time between a Google product search and a purchase is 20 days and about 1/3rd of Google product searches turn into transactions within 5 days. This is according to Jumpshot’s Competitive State of eCommerce Marketplaces Q2 2018 Data report.