Make Your Product Standout by Utilizing Seasonality

Hello this is Galyna Parker from Seller Toolset and this is my advice on how to utilize producs seasonality even if your product is ever-green and usually sells all year long.

First, I would like to define seasonality in the respect of product marketing.
When we are talking about retail products, Seasonality has much broader definition that simply four seasons Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. It also includes the holidays such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Easter, Christmas, Independence Day and many others. And don’t forget the events such as Super Bowl, Olympics and such.

In fact, Seasonality can be applied to almost any brand or product. My suggestion is that every ecommerce seller including Amazon marketplace sellers should tweak their content regularly to reflect the current season.

For example, if you are selling silicone baking pan, and it’s approaching Independence day or memorial day you might want to replace some of your existing pictures with the ones of your silicone baking pan with pecan pie in it, with americana decor: red, while and blue party supplies with a summer picnic vibes. In winter it would be more appropriate to use family dinner setting photographs with Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays in mind.

The same applies to your product title, description, bullets, and keywords. Making these changes within your listing will help your customer to relate to our product, and will give you an advantage of standing out from your competition who are ignoring seasonality in their product listings.