Did you know that you can get shipping supplies for free? The tip I am about to share with you will be especially helpful to small size businesses. Not many ecommerce entrepreneurs know that many shipping supplies like envelopes, boxes, shipping labels and packing materials you can get for free. Let’s start with USPS who offers free Priority service supplies, and they will also deliver them to you for free. To order you need to create an account with USPS and go to usps.com/shop The are a lot of supplies available including my favorite Flat Rade padded envelope which allows you to ship anything that fits for about $7. UPS also offers a variety of free supplies including free thermal shippig labels. You can even get a thermal labels Zebra LP 2844 printer, also for free or for a nominal charge. You will need to create new UPS ID account and call UPS customer service center. eBay offers eBay-branded shipping supplies too! For example, every quarter Basic shop subscribers get $25 of free credit to spend on shipping supplies such as polymailers, boxes, shipping tape. Head to Manage my Store / Subscriber discount and see if you have a coupon code waiting for you to buy the supplies.