Here are some interesting stats about Facebook messengers and why Ecommerce sellers need to pay close attention to them. Did you know that Facebook is the most popular mobile app? Well, do you know what is the second most popular app? Facebook messenger. There are 1.3 billion people / month who are actively using their Facebook Messenger. Facebook Messenger users send 8 billion messages a day. In fact, 11% of the world’s population use Facebook Messenger every month. Every day, there are 260 million new conversations launched over Messenger. Why else messenger is so important for ecommerce professionals? Average conversion rate for marketing emails these days is usually 15-33%. However open rate of messages sent using Messenger is 84%. That makes Facebook messenger is the ultimate conversion winner of marketing communications. The data according to several sources including Techcrunch, Statista and others. For the full list of sources please visit sellertoolset.com